Saturday, 1 January 2011

New Year, New Blog

Something I've wanted to do for a while now is set up my own blog, but never had the time or courage to do so until now.

I figured the fact that it being the 1st day of 2011 was a good excuse to start one up!

New years resolutions: the usual start excercising, manage money better etc.
Another resolution: To gain the confidence to start putting myself and my work out there more.
You only get one life, and have decided I need to start getting the most out of it.
Wish me luck!

Happy New Year!


  1. hello!
    i´m a fashion student and in my final year too...funny...i really can relate with all those things you said!! i also started my blog a few days ago.

    well i just want to wish good luck!

  2. Hi! Aw, thankyou.
    I just visited your blog, Its really good. I cant believe you've only just started!

    Good luck to you too, thanks for the support:)
